Friday, August 28, 2009

The Role of Student Led Organizations in School

Since I’m running with somewhat late notice as a write in candidate, I didn’t get the chance to partake in the public forum that the Johnston Education Association (JEA) hosted a couple weeks back. Since I feel it’s important that all voters see all opinions, I thought I would take the next few days to answer some of the questions that the JEA asked to the 3 ballot nominees.

JEA Question #5: As you know, the issue of safe and welcoming school environments has become an importantdiscussion point among educators, administrators, and parents. What role do you see studentorganized groups playing in this effort? (these might include a before-school prayer club. film club. gay-straight alliance. etc.)

My Response
I think student organized groups can play a very important and significant role in helping create a welcoming school environment. It allows our students to stay active and to be a part of something that they enjoy being a part of. It allows our students to connect and to network with other students based on similar passions. It builds friendships and relationships, which I don’t think anyone can argue that our students need to develop. It most definitely promotes a welcoming environment for our students.

Not everyone likes to play sports, or participate in music, or be in theatre. Not everyone likes science, or math, or history. Not everyone likes homework (okay…maybe no one really likes homework). My point is that our students are a diverse group of people with a diverse group of interests, and these social clubs can help most everyone find something they are passionate about. When students have options, they are more likely to get involved. I don’t care if the group consists of 25 people or 6 people. There need to be options for our students to stay involved. The more involved our students are, especially with something they care about, the less time they have to find other “time fillers” which may not be healthy for them. Involvement in student led groups also helps our students build character, social skills, and conflict management skills.

I will agree with Marci Cordaro here that I am more focusing this answer on high school level groups. I too would be somewhat concerned about groups in lower level grades; however I would entertain the idea of certain social groups in upper middle school grades.

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